4th Sunday of Easter Sermon – Cycle B Homily: Good Shepherd

4th Sunday of Easter – Year B
The Folly of the Love of the Shepherd (Jn 10:11-18)
The Maasai people of East Africa are a very interesting people. Their photogenic, elegant figures are used to advertise tourism in East Africa.  But traditionally they were known for raiding the neighbouring tribes, and taking possession of their cattle. At least so goes the legend! From these accounts one might think that the Maasai are a very violent people.  There is a mythical background, however, to why the Maasai raid the other tribes that have cows.  It is said that, in the beginning when God created the world… He created all the animals, and especially the cows.  Then He also created human beings – the Maasai, of course.  Then God entrusted the Maasai with all the cows in the world. Therefore all the cows […]

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4th Sunday of Easter Sermon – Cycle C Homily: Good Shepherd Sunday

4th Sunday of Easter – Year C
I am known to the Shepherd (Jn 10:27-30)
 With the increasing urban life, young people of today might think, oranges are just churned out of factories.  The only fruits that they may be familiar with are: Apple products, Black-berries and Orange-mobile phone! And with new techniques of farming and animal husbandry, the image of the shepherd may become a by-gone figure.
Today, the 4th Sunday of Easter is celebrated as the Good Shepherd Sunday.  We think of the ‘pastoral’ love of God, as we also pray for vocations to priesthood; priests are the ‘pastors’ of the church.  Each year, for the gospel reading, we hear one part of John 10. This year, being Year C, we listen to the third part of that chapter.  Today, Jesus says, “I know them and they know me; and I […]

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Jesus, der gute Hirte, ist die Tür zum Leben in Fülle

4. Sonntag nach Ostern – Jahr A
Wenn man die Seiten des Alten Testamentes durchblättert, sieht man, dass Gott eine unbestreit­bare Vorliebe für Hirten hat: Abel, Abraham, Jakob, Moses, David, der Prophet Amos und noch viele mehr. In der jüngeren Geschichte ist es Don Bosco, der Gründer meines Ordens, der ein Hir­tenjunge war! Es scheint, dass Gott eine besondere Vorliebe für Hirten hat, weil ihre Aufgabe darin be­steht, treu für die ihnen Anvertrauten zu sorgen. Bei der Sorge für ihre Herde, für die ihnen an­vertrauten Menschen, können sie sogar selbst in Gefahr geraten.
Am heutigen Sonntag, dem 4. Sonntag nach Ostern, begehen wir das Fest des Guten Hirten. Wir denken an die ‘pastorale’ Liebe – die Liebe eines Hirten – die Gott für uns hat und die in Jesus sichtbar wurde. Außerdem beten wir um Priesterberufe. Die Priester sind die ‘Pastoren’, die Hirten, der Kirche. Jedes Jahr hören wir an diesem Tag […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 4th Sunday of Easter Homily

Jesus, the Shepherd, is the Gate to Abundant Life
(Jn 10:1-10)
As we turn the pages of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament), we see that God has an uncontested predilection for shepherds:  Abel, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Prophet Amos, and the list can go on.  John Bosco, the founder of my religious order also was a shepherd boy! You see, God seems to have a predilection for the shepherds, because shepherds make very dedicated leaders.  When it comes to taking care of their flock – their people – they can even put themselves at risk.
Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter. Every year, this Sunday is celebrated as the Good Shepherd Sunday and Vocations Sunday.  Each year, for the gospel reading, we hear one part of John 10. This year, being Year A, we listen to the first part […]

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